How to build on positive P.R. success

In my last blog, I dealt with some tips for dealing with a situation where you gain less publicity for your P.R. story than you expected.

This time, let’s consider the opposite scenario – how do you capitalise on a P.R. story that gets good coverage from your chosen media?

It’s very much a case of ‘striking while the iron is hot’; to quote an old adage. If the media like your story, then you should follow up as quickly as possible to ensure it is broadcast as widely as possible and you can make the most of your success.

So, think first, and then act quickly:

  • If you haven’t already, take stock of the coverage you have already gained for your news release. In which publications, websites or broadcast outlets was your story used, when, and what prominence was the story given? From your list, were any key media – those you felt should include the story – missing? This is the time to give them a quick ring or re-send your email with the news release and any supporting information, to see if they might now include it.
  • Make time for a quick follow-up call to those publications and so on that did include your news (but remember, try to time it well so you don’t call on their deadlines). Thank them for including the piece and ask if there is any more information they would like about the story; to do with your company in general, the people you featured, or the sector you work in. See tips on features below – they may be planning to cover your industry sector now or in future, which may generate more opportunities, so why not ask?
  • Features: Your news story might form the basis for a longer, ‘feature’ article, especially in the printed media. These are more in-depth articles than a short news story, which covers the basic facts in a timely fashion. Newspapers and magazine plan ahead with their features diaries. If your first press release was well received, and you genuinely have more to say on the issue, then contact the features editor of the publication(s) that included it and ask if they would be interested in a longer piece. But do think first – what angles could they cover in their feature? What would be of interest to them? What new information in terms of facts and figures, interviews or good quality photography could you provide at fairly short notice? Do you legitimately have more to say on the topic that would help you build a positive profile?
  • Do you have another good story to offer that can be issued ‘hot on the heels’ of your first news release? Remember, don’t issue something for the sake of it. As I have advised previously, the golden rules are: make sure it really is news, your release is well written and that you have something to say. If not, try other the tips above to capitalise on your success. It’s always a case of think first, plan – then do your proactive media liaison.


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